Dr. Goodale has gone to Europe.
There was no recitation in History 12 yesterday.
The Banjo club played at the Social Union last evening.
Mark are out in History 17 for the last hour examination.
There was an unannounced examination in Greek 1 yesterday.
The junior crew went to a training table at J. Cranston's yesterday.
H. H. Pease, '91, has returned to college, after a seven weeks' illness.
R. E. Faulkner has been appointed temporary captain of the senior nine.
The Glee club is practicing new music almost entirely for the spring concert.
Collier Cobb of the N. H. deparment is convalescing at his home in North Carolina.
The freshmen went out in their shell for the first time yesterday. For a first trial they kept the boat very steady.
The principal speaker at Wells Memorial next Friday will be Mr. Osborne Reeves, jr. The subject will be "The Eight Hour Question."
The Yale nine has been considerably weakened in the outfield and in the pitcher's box by the temporary loss of Dalzell and McClintock. Dalzell sprained his ankle in the first game with New York, but will soon be ready to play again. McClintock has been at home five weeks, recovering from a generally run down state of health, but has now returned to college, and will probably soon be ready to play again. Stagg has, mean while, been coaching Ridgeway, a fresh sophomore, for change pitcher. He is said to be a strong, well-built man, and to have some difficult curves which he controls well.
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