
Fact and Rumor.

The next number of the Lampoon will be out tomorrow.

The juniors at Bowdoin have adopted the cap and gown as class emblems.

The B. A. A. has an excellent nine and the game this afternoon should be close.

At a meeting of the Classical Club tomorrow in Thayer 1, Mr. Walden will read a paper.

G. R. Fearing and F. M. Waters began practicing with the freshman nine yesterday.


There seems to be no chance that an English cricket eleven will come to America this year.

The Guitar and Mandolin Club will assist in the regular spring concert of the Glee and Banjo clubs.

Dr. Sargent presided over the fifth annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Physical Education at Huntington hall, Boston, last Friday and Saturday.

The freshman nine played a practice game with the second 'varsity nine yesterday afternoon on Divinity field.

Mr. W. M. Fullerton, '85, formerly literary editor of the Boston Advertiser has received an appointment on the London Times.

The Electric club will visit the Thomson Houston Electric works and the Thomson Electric works in Lynn tomorrow.

Specimens of Theme IX. in English B will be read and discussed in Sever 11 today at 2 o'clock. The subjects for Theme X., an exposition, will be due today.

A third-year law student has had a valuable set of notes stolen from his desk. He has posted in the law library a description of the notes and notice of a reward of $100 for their return.

The Historical Society will meet next Monday evening at the house of Mr. Justin Winsor. Judge Mellen Chamberlain of the Boston Public Library will speak on the "Remote Causes of the American Revolution."

The following candidates for the Yale nine have gone to training table: Calhoun, captain. '91, McClung, '92, N. McClintock, '91, Bowers, '92, Poole, '91, McBride, '90 S., Cushing, '91, Dalzell, '91, Owsley, '92 S., Every, '92 S., Lockhart, M. S., Jackson, '92 S.

At a meeting of the Canoe club held last evening the following men were elected regular members: T. J. Stead and S. V. R. Crosby, from '91; F. L. Kenneby, Irving Motte, M. E. Ingalls, J. M. McKay, S. T. Chase, from '92; R. G. Emmett and A. W. Dexter, from '93.

The Phi Beta Kappa dinner was held at the Boston Tavern last Saturday evening, with G. P. Wardner, '90, in the chair. The toasts were: C. W. Willard, '91, Phi Beta Kappa; R. D. Brown, '90, Class of Ninety; F. S. Duncan, '90, Constitution of the United States; H. A. Davis, '91, Class of Ninety-one; K. McKenzie, '91, Woman; and T. N. Robinson, '91, What we are here for. The members present signed a petition requesting more liberty in the election of members of the Phi Beta Kappa, and this petition will be presented at the next annual meeting of the society.
