
Co-operative Society Bulletin.

The following are among the bargains offered during the special sale of books:

Ward's English Poets.

Mivart's The Cat.

Mermaid Series.

Kitchin's History of France.


Tame's English Literature, 2 vol.

Kohlrausch's History of Germany.

Epochs of History.

Fisher's Outlines of Universal History.

Moliere's Works, 3 vols.

Maurice's The Revolutionary Movement.

Selections from Steele, edited by Dobson.

Dante's The Paradise of Dante Aligmeri.

Butcher and Lang's Translation of the Odyssey of Homor.

Morley's Works.

Saintsbury's Specimen of French Literature.

Ladd's Physchology.

The Works of Edward Fitzgerald, 2 vols.

Reber's Mediaeval Art.

Foster's Physiology.

Hume's Treatise of Human Nature.

Arnold's History of Rome.

American Men of Letters.

Stubb's Constitutional History of England.

Any books now in stock may be reserved to be paid for May 1.
