
Summer School of Botany.

Under the direction of Mr. W. F. Ganong, instructor in Botany, the Summer School of Botany will be held at the botanic garden, beginning on Wednesday, July 2d, and lasting four weeks. The course will consist of lectures upon the morphology and physiology of the higher plants, together with laboratory work upon materials furnished by the garden and illustrating the principal orders of plants. The elements of the microscopic anatomy of plants will also be taught, by laboratory work supplemented by informal lectures.

The school is planned especially to meet the wants of teachers and others who must cover much ground in a short time. The work is equivalent to that done in Natural History 3 and may be taken by students who wish to gain entrance to higher courses in botany given in the college.

Mr. Ganong will conduct the morphological and physiological part of the course. Mr. G. J. Peirce will have charge of the microscopic work. The fee for the course will be twenty-five dollars. This includes all expenses.
