Ingomar.At the Hollis Street theatre yesterday evening Miss Julia Marlowe and her company gave "Ingomar." The play itself seems strained and unnatural to the taste of today, but it affords fine scope for Miss Marlowe's refined acting as Parthenia and Eben Plympton's rugged part of Ingomar. Miss Marlowe was at her best, and her delicate yet strong impersonation of the Greek maiden captivated the audience. Among the minor characters Mr. Allen succeeded in making the part of Myron humorous. Miss Marlowe will give a change of bill every evening this week.
The Exiles.Sardon's great romance, "The Exiles" will be played during Fast Week at the Boston Theatre. The cast is unusually capable and the large stage of the Boston Theatre is particularly adapted to the production of this well known realistic drama. There will be a matinee Thursday.
Clover.The McCaull opera company made its first appearance in "Clover" at the Tremont Theatre last evening before a crowded house. The special features of the entertainment are the singing of Rudolph and Stella and Casimer's drollery, especially in his encounter with the four vagabonds. "Clover" will continue the remainder of this week and next.
Howard Specialty Company.Judging from the overflowing audience at the Globe Theatre last evening, the old favorite Howard Athenaeum Star Specialty Company still continues to delight the public. Most of the specialties are remarkably good, a few being above the average.
"All the Comforts of Home" began its fifth week at the Boston Museum last evening. The delightful humor of Mr. Gillett's comedy and the "go" given by the characters insure many weeks run yet.
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'Varsity Glee Club.