
Boys' Athletic Meeting.

The Boston Athletic Association has arranged an indoor meeting for the Interscholastic Amateur Athletic Association, to take place at Mechanics' Building, this afternoon, March 8, 1890. The following events will be participated in by the Interscholastic Association, commencing at 2. p. m.: 40 yards run, 440 yards run, 880 yards run, running high jump, standing high jump, fence vault, pole vault, running high kick, putting 16 pound shot, 220 yards hurdle race, half mile walk. The prizes are given by the Boston Athletic Association, and the entire net proceeds are for the benefit of the Interscholastic Association. The following schools will participate in the above events: English High, Boston Latin, Nichols, Noble, Roxbury Latin, Worcester Academy, Hopkinson, Hale. Admission 25 cents. Reserved seats 25 cents extra. Tickets for sale at the Boston Athletic club house, and at Thayer's ticket office Parker House.

FOR SALE.- Three south floor seats for the second winter meeting. Apply at 14 Thayer.

Candidates for the freshman tug-of-war team will please meet in the trophy room at 2.30 p. m. to elect a captain.

S. W. ELLSWORTH.HASTY PUDDING CLUB.- There will be an election of officers on Thursday evening. March 13. Nominations close Monday evening, March 10.

G. BLAGDEN, Jr., Secretary.

