Mr. Edwin H. Abbot of Milwaukee, Wis., lectures tonight in Sever 11, under the auspices of the Finance club on "Railroad Organization and Control in Relation to Stocks and Bonds." Mr. Abbot has himself taken an active and prominent part in large schemes of railroad organization and his experience has led him to some conlusions as to the manner in which stocks and bonds should be handled in case of railroad bankruptcy.
Under the system now prevailing, a railroad which fails to pay interest on its bonded debf is liable to sale under the hammer; and as the price obtained under such circumstances is rarely enough to satisfy the bonds, this means that the stockholders of capital stock lose everything. The fortunes made not by "railroad wrecking" but by such men as Jay Gould show to what enormous abuses and injustice this procedure leads. Efforts are being made to find a remedy. Mr. Abbot's lecture on this subject will be interesting and ought to attract a large audience.
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General Walker's Lecture.