

Freshman tug of war practice at 4.45 p. m.

LOST.- A silk umbrella with silver handle, some time last week. Finder will please leave at Leavitt and Pierce's.

FINANCE CLUB.- Meeting for the election of members Wednesday evening at 7.30 in University 13.

FRANK L. OLMSTED, Secretary.PIERIAN SODALITY.- Every one who expects to play at the Wellesley concert Monday, March 10, must attend the rehearsal Wednesday at 7 p. m., sharp.

C. R. BENNETT.SOUTHERN CLUB.- Members who have not yet secured their shingles, may obtain them by calling at my room, 16 Matthews, Wednesday morning between 9 and 12.


F. F. CAUSEY, Secretary.The Zoological club will meet this evening at the museum. Doors open from 7.15 to 7.30. Papers will be given by S. Garman on The Cape Town Mackerel; by W. E. Ritter on Variation Statistics; and by G. H. Parker on Development of Blatta.

ENGLISH C AND D.- The third brief is due today, March 5th, at 24 Grays hall. The third forensic will be due Monday, March 17.

Seniors who are to write commencement parts should notify Mr. Baker today.

The second set of forensics will be returned in Sever 10, Monday, March 10, at 3 o'clock.

Forensics which came in after the appointed time will be returned at a date to be announced later.

Are you going to Europe next summer? If so, take advantag eof Gaze's vacation excursion tickets, at popular prices. For information and circulars address Alfred Bunker, Boston (Highlands), Mass.

Now, while the snow is on the ground, is the best time to have your rooms photographed. No better souvenir can be had of college than a well-made picture of one's room. Call at studio and make appoitments at once.

