
Harvard University Bulletin.

The Harvard university Bulletin for January 1890 contains extracts from the Corporation records, extracts from the Overseers' records, University notes and a list of accessions by the different college libraries. Among the records of the Corporation are to be noticed the following: the acceptance of the offer of Mr. Nathaniel C. Nash '84 to give the amount needed to complete the botanical sections of the University museum; the receipt of $5,000 as the final installment of Mr. Francis Bartlett's gift of $20,000 for Professor Cook's addition to the University museum; the reappointment of Dudley Allen Sargent, M. D. as director of the Hemenway gymnasium; the receipt from W. S. Dexter, as agent for an unknown friend of the university of $200,000 for the Retiring allowance fund; the granting to Professor James B. Greenough and Professor George L. Goodale of leave of absence for the academic year 1890-91: and resolutions of thanks for gifts of money for various objects from Professor Francis G. Peabody, Mrs. Asa Gray, Edward Russel, Jacob H. Schiff, Henry Villard, I. N. P. Stokes, Carleton Hunneman and others. The treasurer also reported the receipt of $30,000 additional from the trustees of of will of Walter Hasting on account of the building fund for Walter Hastings Hall.

Among the records of the Board of Overseers, it is to be noticed that a petition respecting the admission of women to the Divinity school was offered to the board and referred to Messrs. Putnam, Torrey and Seaver. The Bulletin gives a list also of upwards of 11,000 books which have been added to the library in Gore Hall and the various department libraries.
