
Columbia Athletics.

At a meeting of the trustees of Columbia college some time since, a resolution was passed giving the athletic association the use of the field on Washington: Heights, provided a sufficient sum should be subscribed by the grounds in condition. President Low announced that $17,530 has been raised which will be quite sufficient to put the grounds in repair. The plans for the new organization provide for an executive committee of sixteen, eight graduates and eight undergraduates, which will have supervision over athletic sports. Each of the four leading sports of the college, rowing, baseball, foot ball and track athletics, have an association which now elects one member of the Advisory committee. Hereafter each association will be replaced by a standing committee elected by the undergraduates of the college at a mass meeting. This committee will be elected annually and will consist of a chairman and twelve members. The chairman by virtue of his office is one of the executive committee and the standing committee will elect another member. The alumni will elect annually eight men to represent them on the general executive committee two of which will look out for the interests of each of the four kinds of sport. The different committee will be elected in in October of each year, and will begin immediately on assuming their office to make plans for all branches of sport in which the college is interested. The executive committee will then make an estimate of the money needed in all branches and empower the treasurer to secure such an amount by subscription. If at any time three other sports such as lacrosse, tennis, cricket, etc., should become of any prominence these will also be admitted to the organization on the same terms as the others provided that the executive committee be increased in the same proportion.
