
The Theatres.

The King's Fool.Courieo's Comic Opera company began last night its one week engagement at the Hollis St. Theatre in "The King's Fool" an opera which is by no means excellent. The music is ragged and not over harmonious, with but a few catching airs. Miss Helen Bertram as Prince Julius was one of the few redeeming features; her songs were well rendered and her gracefulness received its due applause. Mr. Joseph W. Herbert as court jester amused the audience a good deal, but his drollery was far from being refined. The female fencers went through their exercises in a very creditable manner, and the drill of of the lansquenets in the last act was exceedingly effective.

Faust up to Date.The original London Gaiety company began its engagement at the Tremont theatre last evening. This company cannot fail of success, for the organization is better equipped and has a more accomplished coterie of principals than any of its rivals of the present season. Miss St. John makes a beautiful "Marguerite," and Mr. Lounen, the comedian, will soon find the high appreciation felt here for the admirable rendering of his Irish song.

All the Comforts of a Home.A large and sympathetic audience at the Museum last night greeted the initial performance of William Gillette's new farce comedy "All the Comforts of a Home." This play is characteristic of the author in that it abounds in laughable situations. Miss Miriam O'Leary as the daughter of provincial parents acts her part with customary grace. Miss Sheridan as the comic opera singer attempts a new role with great succes while Miss Clarke as the indignant wife was easy and natural. Mr. Mason added another to his list of creations while Mr. Wilson as the comedian elicited roars from the audience.

