
The Advocate.

In the Advocate of February 28 the sophomore board makes its bow to the college. The editorials are largely devoted to an outline of the course which the editors intend to pursue. "We apprecate our peculiar position," they say, "and the difficulties under which we must of necessity labor at the beginning. However, it shall be our earnest purpose to represent consistently and truthfully the liberal and progressive spirit of the college." The college will observe with interest the result of the experiment.

President Eliot's propositions on athletics are commented on at length and accepted. It is argued that the professional spirit reigns in American athletics, far more than in the English ones, that a stimulated interest among the undergraduates as a result of cutting off professional practice, would be beneficial; that freshman teams do not furnish material for the 'varsity organizations and are detrimental to the freshmen themselves; and that if plans for a dual league with Yale fall through, no league at all is desirable.

The body of the Advocate is taken up by the senior dinner oration and poem. The oration urges college and class loyalty. The poem is evidently better fitted to be heard after a gay dinner than for a cold blooded perusal. The solitary story "The Rajah's Son," is original in motive and well written. The verses "Memorial Tower" are perhaps the best in the number, though the "Sonnet" is pleasing and the co-operative triolets sound prettily.

The communication is a protest against the fact that of recent years the editorial comments of the Advocate "have become more and more querulous." The correspondent maintains that unless undergraduate criticism becomes more judicious it will pass for idle babble.
