Class Day, '90. "Brattle Hall," 40 Brattle street, To let. Hall 40 x 46 with large dressing rooms and gallery. Stage 24 x 48, used as dining room; all the conveniences for caterers. Can be seen at any time by applying to Superintendent Social Union rooms, 42 Brattle street. 14 5t
College students who would like to earn from one hundred to five hundred dollars during vacation months are invited to correspond with the undersigned. Send for our illustrated catalogue, and if you will state just when you will be ready to commence work and how long you can continue at it, we will guarantee to make you an acceptable proposition. Charles L. Webster and Co., publishers of the Grant and Sheridan Memoirs, Mark Twain's books, and other standard works, No. and East 14 street. New York.
SHORTHAND.- A class in shorthand exclusively for Harvard college students will be formed in Lyceum hall Harvard square, beginning Tuesday evening, March 4th, at 7 o'clock, and will continue Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday evenings inclusive, at which time the regular recitals will be named. Mr. A. O. Hall, author of Hall's "Multum in Parvo" Phonography, will be present and will explain the superiority of his new system of shorthand. This course will be arranged so as not to interfere in the least with the regular course at college. By this new methed a thorough mastery of the shorthand art can be easily acquired in three months. We shall be pleased to refer you to Harvard students who are now pursuing the study with us. All are welcome.
Very cordially,
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