

LOST.- A pocket book containing a sum of money between the post office and Harvard boat house. Return to 19 Hilliard St., or CRIMSON office.

FINANCE CLUB.- Meeting for the election of members Wednesday evening at 7.30 in University 13.

FRANK L. OLMSTED, Secretary.WANTED.- A copy of Lewis' Administrations in England from 1783 to 1830. Apply at CRIMSON office at 1.30 p. m. any week day.

PIERIAN SODALITY.- Every one who expects to play at the Wellesley concert Monday, March 10, must attend the rehearsal Wednesday at 7 p. m., sharp.

C. R. BENNETT.SOUTHERN CLUB.- Members who have not yet secured their shingles, may obtain them by calling at my room, 16 Matthews, Wednesday morning between 9 and 12.


F. F. CAUSEY, Secretary.EXETER CLUB.- The regular meeting of the club will be held in the D. U. rooms this evening at 7.30. A full attendance is desired, as there is important business. Members may also obtain shingles at this meeting.

W. C. DOWNS, Sec.
