
Special Notice.

History 17. Seminar. Monday 7.30 p. m.

J. A. BAILEY, 31 Stoughton.1t

Fine Arts IV. notes for hour examination now ready at Co-operative and Thurston's.

AGENTS WANTED for "Athletic Sports" a book of international character and interest on base ball, cricket, tennis, football, polo, rowing, lacrosse and bicycling: a beautifully illustrated work just ready, first work of the kind and no competition. Students should secure territory at once for their summer vacation by applying to the publishers, Hubbard Bros. 36 Bromfield St. Boston.

SPECIAL NOTICE TO STUDENTS AND OTHERS.- The picture framing business now in Hilton's block, Harvard street, will be carried on after April 1, at Roberts block, 13 Brattle street, Cambridge, where a continuance of the patronage of my many friends is respectfully solicited.


