
The Atlantic.

The leading article in the Atlantic for April is a paper on "Some Popular Objections to Civil Service Reform," by Governor Morton. The paper is in two parts, the first of which is given here. Governor Morton's position is clearly suggested in one of his earliest sentences, "political progress is mostly narrative, consisting mainly in the repeal of bad laws or in the abolition of bad customs." Some of the objections are taken from the records of congress, others from the newspaper and street. None of them stand up before Mr. Morton's vigorous blows.

"Trial by Jury of Things Supernatural" by Professor James B. Thayer, shows the hideous farce of bringing the law to decide upon matters of which it has no cognizance whatever.

"Belgium and the Belgians," by Albert Shaw, is a sober article of political, educational, and legislative interest and descriptive of practical matters such as draining, paving, and building regulations and municipal affairs.

"Road Horses" is a clever intermixture of the jockey, the traveller, and the essayist. "Over the Teacups," is not as good as usual. The historian of them cannot keep his hand away from the more familiar characters that in other days figured in the "Autocrat," the "Poet," and the "Professor." James Jeffrey Roche gives a poem "At Sea," evidently suggested by the death of his brother in the Samoan hurricane.


