

The meeting of the Zoological Club next week has been postponed from Monday to Tuesday evening.

BOYLSTON CHEMICAL CLUB.- There will be a meeting of the club Monday evening, March 31, at 7 o'clock. Mr. H. R. White will speak upon "Butter Analysis."

Professor J. W. White will meet candidates for second year honors in classics in Sever 30 this morning at 10.30 o'clock. Candidates who have engagements at the hour named will come at 12 o'clock.

Seniors will materially aid the editors of "The Harvard Portfolio" by leaving at Thurston's, one of their photographs. This should be done, so far as possible, before the recess. The photographs will be returned uninjured, or, otherwise, paid for.

H. A. A.- The following men may obtain the medals which they won at the R. L. S. A. A., at Leavitt and Pierce's: W. H. Shea and H. R. Allen, first and second in putting the shot; J. Crane, second in pole vault.


J. H. HUNT, Secretary.The following men are requested to be at the gymnasium as soon after 1 p. m. as possible on Saturday, March 29, to usher at the athletic meeting: A. Amory, Jr., J. C. Barr, T. S. Bradlee, W. C. Downs, C. A. Davenport, H. G. Vaughan, K. M. Taylor, R. R. Endicott, J. C. McCoy, T. W. Slocum, R. F. Parker, R. G. Fessenden. As the meeting will be more crowded than last Saturday, it is important that every usher should be on hand early. If any one cannot serve he will please notify me immediately.

GEO. BLAGDEN, JR.HASTY PUDDING CLUB.- The spring theatricals will be given at the club house on Tuesday evening, April 1st, at 8.15.

J. A. LOWELL, Secretary.Engagements have been made for the following men, who must positively appear this week: Cole, Cook, Cotton, Courtney, Crehore, Curtis, Crocker, De Long, Denison, Dewart, S. Dexter, Dickerman, Dow, Downes.

