We understand that it is the intention of the H. A. A. to present as the Harvard tug-of-war team today the members of the winning class team, Whether or not such a team represents the best material in the college, or is the best team that could be formed on short notice is not for us to decide. We have no doubt that the captain has selected the strongest men at his command. It is certain, however, that the make-up of the team was given out for publication differently from what it was intended finally to be. We fail to see how such action by the officers of the H. A. A. can be justified. If it was intended to influence the opposing team, it was hardly more than a trick, and probably an unnecessary trick; for there can be little doubt that any opponents would be willing to pull against Harvard's strongest team. We regret that H. A. A. should have taken such action, for it is contrary to the spirit of Harvard athletics.
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