
Summer Courses in Chemistry.

In 1890 the chemical laboratories in Boylston Hall will be open from July 7 to August 16 inclusive, and courses of instruction in General Elementary Chemistry, Qualitative Analysis, Quantitative Analysis, and Organize Chemistry will be given by the instructors named below. Each laboratory will be under the charge of a competent assistant who will guide the students in their experimental work; and this work will in every course be supplemented by a series of lectures upon the relations of theory to practice.

The fee for the course is $25 (twenty-five dollars), payable on entering. An additional charge of $10 (ten dollars) is made for material consumed by the student. The officers of instruction are Theodore W. Richards, Ph. D., director of courses; Walter Hendrixson, A. M., assistant in Qualitative Analysis; George R. White, A. M., assistant in General Chemistry; Walter L. Jennings, A. B., assistant in Organic Chemistry; William H. Warren, A. B., assistant in Quantitative Analysis. For any further information address Theodore W. Richards, Chemical Laboratory, Harvard College, Cambridge, Mass.


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