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The resignation of Mr. Herrick from the captaincy of the university crew is a public-spirited act which shows on his part a high appreciation of the duties and responsibilities of a university captain. In his year's service he proved a capable and efficient officer, and more than fulfilled what was expected of him. His executive capacity was ably brought to bear in a critical situation, and changed the outlook in rowing from a gloomy prospect to one in which the college may feel very hopeful of winning the championship. We regret that Mr. Herrick's able management has been brought to such an early close, but can depend upon his exerting his best efforts for the crew through the remainder of the season. In the choice of Mr. Hutchinson for captain the crew has acted wisely. We are confident that he will prove an energetic and thoroughly competent officer and extend the best wishes of the college to the crew under its new management.
