
Special Notices.

FOR SALE.- 2 tickets, south end, third winter meeting, at Bartlett's.

FOR SALE.- A Ruddock single shell, in good second-hand condition. Apply F, CRIMSON office. 36tf

A gentieman wishes to let two rooms for the remainder of the season. Apply at 11 Mason St. 35 tf

TO LAW STUDENTS.- Tutoring in Property I. Torts and other first year subjects.

C. H. MILLS, 17 Dunster St.Radford Jones and Co., Court, Hunt, and Military Tailors, 32 George St., Hanover Square, London, England. Mr. Wallace Jones will be at Young's Hotel, Boston, until Thursday, March 27. Appointments at the hotel. Office hours 9 to 5. 33-4t


SPECIAL NOTICE TO STUDENTS AND OTHERS.- The picture framing business now in Hilton's block, Harvard street, will be carried on after April 1, at Roberts block, 13 Brattle street, Cambridge, where a continuance of the patronage of my many friends is respectfully solicited.

