

ADVOCATE.- The board will meet this evening in Holworthy 16 at 6.30.

CRIMSON.- There will be an important meeting of the board in the Sanctum at 1.30 p. m. today.

'92 SECOND CREW.- Meet at the gymnasium at 4.30 p. m.

LOST.- Pair of India rubbers. Finder please return to library coat room there he may obtain his.

HARVARD FENCING CLUB.- A fencing contest, for members only will be held in the club rooms, Tuesday evening. April 15, 1890. The contestants which divided into three classes according to proficiency. The bouts will be governed by the rules of the French Academy. A cup will be given to the winner in each class, Entries will close Monday noon, April 14, Members of the club desiring to enter, will send their names to the secretary before this date.


W. K. FLINT, Secretary, 10 Reads.
