
Fact and Rumor.

No candidates for the cricket team will be received after today.

The Cricket club will open the season on April 25 with a game at Brockton.

The annual Andover-Exeter ball game will be played on Saturday, June 14.

It is stated that Wagenhurst will play with the University of Pennsylvania nine.

Last Saturday a German student was killed in a duel at Leipsic and another at Wurzenburg.


The next Cambridge concert of the Kneisel quartet will be given Thursday evening; April 3.

The proposed athletic grounds at Columbia will have a special track laid out for bicycle riding.

Ten men from the Scientific School took part in the exhibition of the Manual Training School last Friday.

John Stone '91 has been elected president and manager by the Amherst Football Association for the next season.

A meeting of the classical club will be held tomorrow at which Dr. Rolfe and Mr. William Cranston Lawton will read papers.

R. E. Speer, who will address the Y. M. C. A. next Thursday evening is a graduate of Princeton and a former member of the 'varsity eleven.

The best books on that period of French History now under consideration in History 1, are: "Kitchin's Franch," vol. II.; "Duruy's France," vol. II.; and Bersier's "Life of Coligny."

The outside work in Greek C for the remainder of the year will consist in reading any Greek play, a thesis connected with the Electra of Sophocles and a textual criticism of any sixty lines of it.

The committee in charge of the theatre services just held in the Grand Opera House in Boston have, through Mr. Frederick Palmer, extended their thanks to those Harvard students who have so kindly given their assistance in singing at the services.

The Idler Club of the Annex will present Beaumont and Fietcher's "Philaster" before the students of the Annex next Friday evening. The presentation will be repeated before Cambridge ladies Saturday afternoon for the benefit of the Annex library.

A translation of the Swiss Constitution by Professor A. B. Hart has recently been added to their Old South Leaflets by D. C. Heath and Co. Other European constitutions will follow together with some representative American ones like that of Ohio which has already been printed in the above series.
