During the present spring will be issued the first number of a publication bearing the above named little. The object aimed at is, to enable any student to carry away with him a permanent illustrated record of men and things that have interested him as a Harvard undergraduate, during a year just closing. The publication will be in the form of an attractive cloth, or leather bound book, in size not less than 9x6 inches. Its illustrations will be reproductions of photographs by the best photogravure processes. An idea of the matter to be offered may obtained by the following partial list: cuts (reduced from cabinet photographs) of every member of the graduating class, cuts of the 'varsity athletic teams, of the Glee club and Pierian Sodality, of the new buildings, of deceased instructors, of the '90 Phi Beta Kappa, of the '90 Class Day officers, etc. Sufficient printed matter will accompany the cuts to explain them. The book will be made as complete and comprehensive as possible. Every Harvard undergraduate will appreciate the opportunity thus to be afforded, of obtaining at small expense what would in another form, cost him nearly or quite, a hundred dollars, and what he will value through life as his most precious memento of collegiate experience.
The price of the books will be, in cloth, $2.50; in leather, $3.50. For a limited time, however, subscriptions will be received for the cloth editions at $2.20; leather $3.20. Subscriptions may be left at Thurston's, or at either of the publishers E. L. Kinyon, '90, 23 Irving St., and W. H. Wiggins, Jr., 14 Stoughton. Samples of work may be seen at either of these three places.
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