The foot ball squad will meet at 4 o'clock Monday afternoon.
A. J. CUMNOCK.FOUND.- Near the Library, a right-hand glove, dark brown, Owner may get it at Leavitt and Pierce's.
LOST.- Some weeks ago, a pair of seal fur gloves; also a black silk umbrella, natural wood handle. Will finder leave at CRIMSON office.
LOST.- Left-hand driving glove, Oxford street, east side, between Kirkland St. and Jarvis field. Finder will oblige owner by leaving at Leavitt and Pierce's.
BOYLSTON CHEMICAL CLUB.- There will be a meeting of the club Monday evening, March 24, at 7 p. m. Mr. W. L. Jennings will speak upon "Chemical Synthesis."
HARVARD GLEE CLUB.- A trial for 1st tenors, Monday at 6.45 p. m., in Roberts hall, instead of Saturday, at 1.30 as before announced.
C. J. F. BRUEGGER, Sec.Gentlemen who have been soliciting subscriptions to the Delphi Fund are requested to send their first report the Chairman on or before March 24.
M. H. MORGAN.The following men are requested meet at the gymnasium at 11 a. m. Saturday, March 22, to have places a ushers for the Athletic Meeting as signed to them. A. Amory, Jr., J. C. Barr, T. S. Bradlee, W. C. Downs, C. G. A. Davenport, H. G. Vauhan, K. Taylor, R. R. Endicott, J. C. McCoy, T. W. Slocum. If anyone cannot serve he will please notify me immediately.
GEORGE BLAGDKN, Jr.Engagements have been made for the following men, who must positively sit during this week: Andrews, Adler, Chard, Aldrich, Clark, E. L, Atkinson, Bacon, Baldwin, Bean, Blagden, Blaney, Coatsworth, Brandestein, Burnham, Butler, Cabot, L. Calkins and Carpenter, Clifford.
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