
Increase in Number of Students at Princeton.

A comparison of the yearly number of students for the last five years shows the following results, indicating the growth of the college. The following table has been collated by the Princeton Club of New York:

Fellows and University Students '86 '87 '88 '89 '90

Fellows and University Students 62 91 80 93 117

Seniors. 115 82 100 86 134

Juniors. 82 100 95 137 127


Sophomores. 193 97 143 126 141

Freshmen. 118 154 136 156 163

Specials. 19 35 49 60 37

Totals. 499 559 693 667 770

The increase in past year 103; in two years 167; in three years, 211; in four years, 271.
