Term bills were sent out yesterday afternoon.
There was an hour examination in German 1b yesterday.
The next vesper service will be the last of the year.
There will be an hour examination in N. H. 8 next Friday.
Ground will be broken April 1 for the new gymnasium of Brown University.
There will be an hour examination in N. H. 4 the last Friday before the spring recess.
At the last admission examination of London University 47 out of 175 women were successful.
The Amherst Glee and Banjo clubs will give a concert in Horticultural Hall, Cambridgeport, April 2.
All the class crews were on the river yesterday, the juniors and freshmen for the first time this year.
Theme IX. in English B, an argument, regularly due on Tuesday, March 25, may be delayed until April 1.
The football squad ran from the gymnasium to Somerville, and home by way of Porter's Station yesterday afternoon.
Circulars have been issued at Yale soliciting subscriptions to erect a statue of the late ex-President Theodore Dwight Woolsey.
The candidates for the University of Pennsylvania eight rowed on the river for the first time last Friday. Two eight are rowing.
Professor Van Dael, of the Institute of Technology, who lectured yesterday to the class in French I on Racine, will lecture next Friday on Moliere.
Corcoran is training forum Yale men for the bicycle event in the Mott Haven games. It is likely that by another year Yale will accept the challenge of our Bicycle club.
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