
Harvard Bicycle Association.

At the meeting of the Harvard Bicycle club last evening the following motion was passed unanimously: That the Harvard Bicycle club give control of racing, and all money so far subscribed by the college for racing purposes, into the hands of a new and entirely separate association so be formed after the present meeting has adjourned. Membership in the new association to be open to any man in the university on payment of the prescribed fee, either hereafter or as a previous subscription to the H. B. C. racing fund-no member of the H. B. C. to be entitled to membership in the association on any other terms.

The new association will conduct annual race-meet on the same general plan as the one held last year by the H. B. C.; will arrange team races with all the principal colleges, if possible (and there is no reason to doubt that it will be); and will hold semi-annual road races, and frequent hare and hounds runs, open to the university. It will also probably establish records, and give record medals, for other distances besides those governed by the H. A. A.

The principal features of the race meet will be the Intercollegiate and Interscholastic races. The latter is especially important since it raises an interest in bicycling in the schools; and the men will come here with some experience in bicycle racing, which will be of great benefit, both in the Mott Haven games, and in the intercollegiate races which the new association will promote.

The outlay the first year will necessarily be large. An expensive steel die must be made for the medals, but since this is practically indestructible, the association will in the future, be able to give very handsome prizes at a comparatively small cost. In addition it is proposed to raise the corners of the track on Holmes field, which will make it perhaps the fastest quarter mile bicycle track in the country. It is therefore hoped that the college will respond generously to the call which is being made on it for subscriptions.

The Harvard Bicycle Club will still continue as heretofore to be a social and bicycle club, holding smokers and weekly bicycle runs.


After the adjournment of the Harvad Bicycle Club meeting, the members held another to organize the new association. E. F. Rogers was elected temporary chairman, and a committee of five consisting of E. F. Rogers, '90, R. H. Davis. '91, W. R. Greepleaf, '92, K. Brown, '91, and H. N. Rice, '91, was appointed to draw up a constitution and bye-laws, which committee is to report at meeting to be called later for final organization, the election of officers, etc. This meeting is open to all members of the university. Men interested in bicycling, and those who have subscribed are especially invited to attend.

Bicycling is at present on a very strong footing at Harvard, especially when it is considered that three years ago it had no footing at all, while the forming of the racing association places it next in importance to the four principal branches of Harvard athletics-football, base-ball, rowing, and general track athletics.
