
Harvard Tennis League.

Rules and Schedule for I8go.The rules governing the Tennis League for 1890 are as follows:

1. The assessment of two dollars will be expended in purchasing five racquets of equal value, to be awarded as 1st, 2d, 3d, 4th, and 5th prizes.

2. Every match will be the best three out of five sets, the fifth set alone to be deuce.

3. Each player must furnish two good Wright and Ditson balls for each match.

4. The winner of each match will leave the score with the man in charge of the courts.


5. Arrangements for postponed matches must be made with the secretary.

6. All matches must be finished by May 24th. or time fixed upon by the committee.

7. A player who forfeits one match will forfeit all.

8. The committee may fill at their discretion any vacancy prior to May 1.

RESERVED COURTS.9. The four middle courts on Jarvis field will be reserved for the League; they cannot be used before 2 p. m. except on Saturday, when they are open at 11 a. m; but they may be used for league matches at any time.

10. A bulletin of the reserved courts will be posted in the gymnasium every Saturday which may be signed (a) by members of the League and others to whom the privilege has been extended, at any time; (b) by any member of the university, but only on the day he wishes to play.

11. The cornets will not be reserved more than fifteen minutes.

12. Every engagement of a reserved court is for two hours.

13. The privilege of using the reserved courts is extended to Messrs. G. F. Brown, R. D. Brown, S. L. Chase, G. H. Dickerman Jr., J. H. Hunt, W. L. Jennings, G. L. Kingsley, W. L. Kingsley, W. F. Pillsbury, F. S. Rogers, R. L. Stevens, and Professor J. W. Kingsley, W. F. Pillsbury, F. S. Rogers, R. L. Stevens, and Professor J. W. White, and any others whom the committee may designate.

Committee-G. W. Lee, president; J. A. Stetson, secretary and treasurer, R. B. Hale.
