The Princeton Base Ball Association has arranged the following schedule for 1890:
March 29, Metropolitans at Princeton.
April 2, Athletics at Philadelphia
April 5, Newarks at Newark.
April 7, New Yorks (N. L.) at New York.
April 8, Brooklyn (N. L.) at Brooklyn.
April 9, New Yorks (N. L.) at New York.
April 12, Lenigh at Bethlehem.
April 16, Brooklyn (Am. A.) at P'ton.
April 19, Lehigh at Princeton.
April 23, Rutgers at Phrinceton.
April 26, U. of P. at Philadelphia.
April 30, Lafayette at Easton.
May 3, Yale at New Haven.
May 11, Cuban Giants at Princeton.
May 14, Jaspers at Princeton.
May 17, Cornell at Ithaca.
May 21, U. of P. at Prineeton.
May 24, Yale at Princeton.
May 28, Staten Island at Princeton.
May 30, Columbia at Princeton.
June 4, Toronto Univ., at Princeton.
June 10, Graduates at Princeton.
June 12, U. of Virginia at Richmond.
June 14, Yale in New York city or vicinity: to be played only in case of a tie.
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