We wish to call attention to an abuse which may seem trifling, but which nevertheless causes infinite annoyance. We refer to the practice of shuffling feet, slamming note books, coughing, and making other disagreeable noises which has lately been so freely indulged in towards the close of recitations. The hour is not over till the bell rings. The last few minutes of the hour sometimes contain the pith of the lecture. It is not only boyish, but inconsiderate and ill-bred to prevent men who have gone to the lecture for the purpose of hearing it from profiting by those last few minutes. But more than this; it is in the highest degree rude and ungentlemanly to interrupt the instructor in any way while he is speaking. This is the A B C of manners and it would seem hardly necessary to call any man's attention to it. It is noticeable that this practice is in great part confined to those large courses which are taken almost exclusively by freshmen. We hope that by this time Ninety-three has gotten sufficiently over its newness to college life to take a warning of this kind in good part and to profit by it.
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The Ninety-One Nine.