
Fact and Rumor.

There was a cut in Greek 1 yesterday.

A New York club was formed at Princeton last week.

Sherrill has begun training again for Yale's athletic team.

The Electra of Sophocles will be begun tomorrow in Greek 6.

Professor Cohn has finished his six lectures in French 2 on Historical Grammar.


The senior class at Cornell has decided to build a boat house as a memorial of the class.

Brown men are thinking of chartering a steamer for the Yale-Harvard race at New London next June.

The annual base ball game between the Tech, sophomore and freshmen will probably take place May 3.

The Peabody Museum contemplates the purchase of a large collection of curiosities from New Guines.

There will be no more hour examinations in Latin 2 this year, the bi-weekly written tests taking their place.

The freshman Glee and Banjo club took part in an entertainment in Pierce Hall, Boston, last evening.

The titles of the more desirable books of Addison and Steele will be posted in the third hour work in English A.

E. M. Weld, '93, who has been absent for the last three months on account of illness, has returned to college.

There will be a recitation in Chemistry I on lead and tin next Thursday for the first section and Friday for the second.

Professor Cohn gave in French 4 yesterday instead of the regular lecture an intersting account of the reign of the Commune in Paris in 1871.

Two Yale students, Edwin Rowe, jr., '90, and James W. Kennan, '93, were drowned Sunday by the upsetting of the cat-boat in which they were sailing.

The Pennsylvanian complains that the new system of counting at the intercollegiate games is a scheme set on foot by Harvard and Yale to further their own interests.

On Thursday, March 27, at 8 p. m., Mr. William N. Salter, of Chicago will lecture in Sanders Theatre on "What Ethics Can Do for Us." The lecture will be under the auspices of the Harvard Philosophical club.

The international cricket match between the United States and Canada will be played in Philadelphia July 14 and 15. The United States team will probably be made up entirely of Philadelphia players.

The Manhattan Athletic Club has tendered the use of the Manhattan grounds at Eighty-sixth street and Eighth avenue, to the Columbia college nine. The grounds have been rolled and put in condition, and the candidates for the nine have begun out-door work. It is probable that the nine will be made up of the following men: Snedaker, Law, '92, first base, Walters, Law, '92, second base; Wilde, P. and S., shortstop; Herkenrath, Mines, '92, or Ross, Law, '92, third base; Mayham, Law, '91, pitcher; Smith, Law, '91, center field. Martine has been chosen temporary captain.
