
Quinquennial Catalogue 1890.

Mr. Tillinghast, assistant librarian, is now preparing the Harvard Quinquennial Catalogue. This catalogue is published once in every five years as an easy means of reference in regard to dergrees and honors attained by Harvard graduates. Pamphlets have been issued with the present standing of each graduate which should be at once corrected or any additions made and returned to Mr. Tillinghast as soon as possible. The Quinquennial Catalogue will mention by direction of the Corporation and Overseers, such honors and positions attained by Harvard graduates as fall under any of the following heads:

1. All degrees received from other universities, colleges, or professional schools, whether received before or after graduation from Harvard. The date of the degree should be given, and the name of the institution couferring it, and honorary degrees should be in dicated as such.

The mention of honorary degrees received from other institutions will be omitted whenever the recipient shall request such omission.

2. The fact and date of graduation from professional schools which confer no degrees.

3. Professional appointments under the United States Government, and under other national governments; and in other institutions of learning, the educational standard of which is satisfactory to the committee in charge of the Catalogue.


4. The office of Head-master, or Principal, in leading secondary schools, both public and endowed, and also Masters in the same, having charge of special departments of study.

5. The office of State Superintendent of Education, and Superintendent of Schools in cities of not less than 50,000 inhabitants.

6. The following civil and military offices: President and Vice-President of the United States; President of the United States Senate (when not the the Vice-President); Member of the Cabinet; Senator; Member of Congress; Minister to foreign countries; Judge of the Supreme Conrt, of the District and Circuit Courts, and of the Court of Claims; Governor and Vice-Governor of States; Judge of State Supreme Courts; Major-General U. S. A., and those of higher rank (not by brevet); Rear-Admiral U. S. N., and those of higher rank; offices of similar grade, and honorary appointments under foreign governments.

8. Memberships in all foreign societies whose standing is satisfactory to the committee in charge of the Catalogue.

9. Membership in the National Academy of Sciences, American Academy of Arts and Sciences, American Philosophical Society, Mass. Historical Society, and membership other than resident in American Societies whose standing is satisfactory to the committee in charge of the Catalogue.

The unusual amount of work incident to the appearance of the Catalogue in English with many other minor changes will compel Mr. Tillinghast to depend very largely in preparing the class lists, on the replies received to this circular.
