
New Shooting Club House.

The new house of the Harvard Shooting Club is nearly ready for occupancy now, needing but a few alterations to make it entirely satisfactory. It is situated on the land owned by the college on the Allston marsh, well over towards Barry's corner. The building itself is twenty feet by twelve with a place in front for store and shelf for a scorer. In the front of the house, which faces the river, there is a large sliding window six feet across. In front of the house and running the whole length is a platform eight feet wide, from the front of which extend two raised walks for sixty feet to the screens, behind which the traps are placed. Before long it is hoped to build a number of lockers so that the members will have a safe place in which to keep ammunition, cleaning tools, etc. When this is done the house will be as well arranged and as comfortable as any of its kind around Boston. Two bridges have been placed across the creeks leading to the house, so that the approach is now perfectly dry and easy. The house is only from twelve to fifteen minutes' walk from Harvard square, which makes the present range much more suitable than the one at Watertown, as men will not be obliged to take a whole afternoon for an hour's practice.

If possible the matches will be started this week. In any case the grounds will be ready by week after next.
