The leading editorial in the last Advocate calls attention to the need at Harvard of a course in Criminal Law. The necessity which every business man feels of knowing at least the elements of commercial law and the fact that Professor Gray is giving a course at the Institute of Technology has induced the managers of the Advocate to send cards to the members of the college to find out their sentiment, for the purpose of petitioning the faculty to add such a course to the curriculum. Other editorials discuss the projects of bicycle races with Yale, the merits of cricket and the workings of the Foxcroft club.
Two stories in this number have insignificant plots which skill in treatment cannot entirely replace. "Beatrice or Flora" is prettily told, though in one or two passages the English strikes the reader as clumsy or inelegant. It would have been improved by the omission of the roundabout introduction. "Du Guesclin's Mistake" is photographic in its accuracy of detall and stops abruptly as if incomplete. It is, however, pleasing in effect.
"A Secret of the Sea" is the best piece of fiction in the number. Never-theless, in spite of many descriptive passages of excellence, the story is somewhat long winded. The last paragraph is unnecessary, forming an anticlimax.
The verses in the number are good. "Invitation" is melodious and fascinating. "By the Shore o' the Blue Water" consists of pretty lines in imitation of a Scotch song.
A communication makes suggestions worth considering, about the advisability of enlarging the yard enclosure on Class Day.
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