

Any man who has any of the requisites of a foot ball player is urgently requested to join the foot ball squad.

A. J. CUMNOCK.FRESHMAN BANJO CLUB.- Rehearsal at 4 Monday. All must be on hand promptly.

H. E. SEARS.LOST.- Taken from Memorial hall Friday evening, probably by mistake, a heavy blue-black overcoat. Please return to W. S. Hendrixson, 1 Shepherd's block.

The monitors will meet all men in English A who desire their seats changed in Sever 11 at the close of the lecture today. After this date no seats will be changed.

Severai umbrellas and an overceat, left at different times in lecture rooms, are in my possession, and can be had of me by the owners.


A. K. JONES, Harvard hall.A petition is on foot to have that portion of the sidewalk on the westerly side of Putnam avenue between Mount Auburn and Brookline streets paved with brick. The petition may be signed at Leavitt and Pierce's.

On Monday, March 17, the Photographic committee will begin to make appointments for seniors who have not yet had their pictures taken, and list will be published in the CRIMSON. It is absolutely necessary that this work be finished up before the first of April. After that time Mr. Tupper is not governed by the provisions of the contract. It does not cost anything to sit for a class picture, and every senior is urged to do his part in completing the class album.

PHTO COM.BOYLSTON CHEMICAL CLUB.- There will be a meeting of the club Monday evening, March 17, at 7 o'clock. Dr. T. W. Richards will speak upon "German methods in the study of Chemistry."

If those who have reading matter for the hospitals-magazines, illustrated papers, novels, etc., will send word to R. L. Weeks, 74 Sacramento street, it will be called for.
