The freshman crew will go to the training table April 1st.
The hour examination in Latin 6 will be held in Sever 5, Monday.
The candidates for the Yale nine have been measured for suits.
The Yale tug-of-war team will be coached by the team of the Pastime Athletic Association.
The Princeton Advisory Athletic Committee has been enlarged from three to five members.
Members of Mr. Nickerson's section in Latin B. will bring blue-books to the class with them today.
The 'varsity crew will give an exhibition of rowing on the weights at the the second winter meeting.
The cups for the freshman eleven, which were to have been received this week will not be ready till next Wednesday.
Midyear marks in Mathematics A are now ready. Each member of the course can obtain his mark from his advisor.
There will be an hour examination in English 9 on Friday, March 28. It will consist of criticisms on the works of macaulay, Carlyle, Newman, Arnold, and Ruskin. Men who received A or B at the midyears have the option of substituting a thesis.
Dr. Sargent considers that men who play ball in the summer for hotel expenses are practically and literally professionals.
A. D. Hill '91, has been compelled to leave college on account of ill health. He will go to Europe in April but will return to college next fall.
W. P. Graves, '91, has been elected chairman of the Yale Record board for the ensuing year. The new board will assume control of the paper after the spring vacation.
The University of Pennsylvania nine this year will have a large number of college graduates now in the professional schools including Wagenhurst.
According to the London Lancet the number of deaths from foot ball in all the world last season were 13; fracture of legs 15; of arms 4; of collar-bones 11; serious injuries to spine 3; to nose 1; to ankle 1; to cheek 1; and to knee 1.
The Pierian Sodality has accepted an invitation to give a concert at the Cambridge Social Union, Thursday evening, March 27. Arrangements have also been made for a concert in Brighton early in April.
The members of N. H. 2 will have an opportunity today to see the glass flowers in the lecture room at the Botanical Gardens. Members of the course will visit the Gardens in three sections as follows: A to F from 9 to 10 o'clock; G to P from 10 to 11; R to Z from 11 to 12.
The Yale News in criticising the 'varsity crew this week says: "The general faults of the men are that they do not control their slides on the recover, the finish is poor, they are apt to let up their power on the end of the stroke, have a tendency to bury their oar on the catch, and do not get their power on together on the catch."
The Cambridge Tribune has opened at its office on Linden street, opposite the College Library, as a convenience to students and others, a Tourists' Burean where any one can obtain, free of charge, railway and steamship timetables, and descriptive circulars of summer and winter resorts and leading hotels. All are welcome to this convenience.
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