'93 TUG-OF-WAR.- Robb, Bisbee, Winsor, Flint will be dressed ready to pull at 3 o'clock sharp.
P. V. K. JOHNSON.BROOKLINE COFFEE PARTY.- A barge for those who have signed the book will leave Leavitt and Pierce's for Brookline at 7.30 tonight.
H. A. A.- The secretary will be in his room Friday afternoon and evening.
Dr. Sargent will be in his office from 2 to 4 this afternoon to examine contestants for the first winter meeting.
Doors of gymnasium will be opened at 10 o'clock on the 15th.
J. H. HUNT, Secretary.HASTY PUDDING CLUB.- Election of officers postponed on account of no quorum. There will be another meeting Wednesday, March 19, at 7.30 p. m. Every member must be present.
G. BLAGDEN. JR., Secretary.'90 special students whose names do not appear on the photograph list are requested to make appointments at Pach's Study, Extra lists may be obtained at the studio. Seniors are reminded that the photograph list must be returned and selection made before March 15th.
PHOTO COM.H. A. A.- Tumbling and gymnasium events. J. W. Bowler, one of the janitors at the gymnasium, who thoroughly understands all gymnastic events has kindly agreed to help any men desiring to practice for such events, between 11 and 1 o'clock every day at the gymnasium.
E. STURGIS.ENGLISH C AND D-The third set of briefs will be returned in Sever 10 on Thursday, March 13, at 3 o'clock. The third forensic will be due at 24 Grays Hall, Wednesday, March 19.
If those who have reading matter for the hospitals-magazines, illustrated papers, novels, etc., will send word to R. L. Weeks, 74 Sacramento street, it will be called for.
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