
Fact and Rumor.

The midyear examination marks in Fine Arts 4 are out.

The next special report in History 9 is due April 21.

There will be an hour examination in Latin 6 on Monday, March 17.

The engagement is announced of H. W. Vorse '89, to Miss Whitney of New York.

The annual dinner of the Worcester men in college takes place at Young's next Wednesday evening.


E. R. Shippen of the Divinity School has received a call to the First Parish Church of Hingham.

Profess Hart states that an hour examination in History 17 is to be expected at any time.

Candidates for the freshman crew have begun meeting in front of Matthews at 8.15 a. m.

Mr. Pillsbury will meet the men in History 1 during this week in University 17 between 1.45 and 2.15.

C. H. C. Wright has been appointed to the committe of the Classical club on the Delphi fund as secretary.

The works of all the standard English and American orators have been placed in alcove 5 for the use of contestants for the Boylston Prizes.

William Hyde Appleton, '64, A. M., Ph. D. has been electedpresident of Swarthmore college. He has been professor of Greek at Swarthmore since 1871.

Novellenschatz, volume 21, is the next book to be read in German 1a. Members of the course will provide themselves with copies at once.

In the light weight sparring contest for a silver trophy before the members of the B. A. A. Wednesday night, J. L. Dodge '91, defeated E. W. Grew, B. A. A.

G. E. Ladd, '89, has resigned from his position on the State geological survey of Texas to take a similar one in Missouri with headquarters at Jefferson City.

A large number of reproductions of German paintings by Albrecht Durer and his contemporaries have been hung in Sever 2. Others are to be placed in the German department library.

The academic senate of Amherst has set $1.200 as the sum to be collected in the college for the ball team. Of the nineteen men in training only Sullivan 3rd base, and Hare pitcher, were on last years team.

The undergraduate committee to make atrangements for the management of the new Weid Boat House met yesterday afternoon and chose the following sub-committee to draw up a constitution and by-laws: Captain Herrick of the 'varsity crew, Captain Wells of the senior crew, Captain Parker of the Junior crew, and Captain Rantoul of the sophomore crew. The work of this committee will be submitted in a short time to the college at a mass meeting.

A scheme is on foot among the alumni of the Law School to raise a fund from the graduates in each state of the Union which shall be devoted to teaching the statutory law of that jurisdiction. It is understood that enough has already been contributed by the Massachusetts alumni to provide instruction, and that next year there will be in the Law School a professor or instructor in Massachusetts practice. The graduates in other states are displaying great activity in the matter.
