The Rev. George A. Gordon, of Boston conducted the services at Appleton Chapel yesterday afternoon. He took for the general subject of his address "rectitude, humanity and piety" and considered human life and ways of living from these three standpoints, laying especial stress upon rectitude and piety. He said that piety is too often assumed. There are too many young men who think that religion is superficial, that it may be put on at will, and put off at will as best suits his convenience. But a true, deep-feeling religious life consists rather in a life of just relations to man and God, the appeal of the heart of the child to the heart of the Father. A man's rectitude of life is no less important, for if a man is destitute of justice he will be destitute of religion for "Whoever would be courageous in all things must be just." In conclusion, the speaker urged upon his hearers the necessity of being patient at all times, of opening the windows of our souls to God and letting in Divine light. For as the wise men of the East followed the guiding star, so does Christianity follow Christ.
The choir sang the following selections: "Let all the world in every corner sing," Reay; "O worship the Lord," Watson; "Pity, O Saviour," Stradelle. Soloist, Mr. H. L. Cornell of Boston.
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