
Mr. Hallowell's Lecture.

Last evening in Boylston Hall, Mr. Richard P. Hallowell of West Medford delivered an interesting address upon "The Southern Question, Past and Present." The speaker said that when our forefathers brought the subject of slavery into the constitution, they brought a curse upon the country which has never been wholly obliterated. The white people of the South, were, however, corrupted by their own institution of slavery and the whole civilzation of the South was undermined morally.

Mr. Hallowell then cited several passages from Carl Schurz's report on the situation of the South, at the time of the reconstruction. The people of the North were in no mood for trifling and were resolved that there should be some reparation on the part of the South for the blood-shed and money spent. Garfield's speech delivered in congress in 1866 in which he advocated the clearing away the "rubbish" of the South and build up the country on a firm foundation voiced the sentiments of the majority of the Northerners.

Mr. Hallowell then told of the beginning of reconstruction in various parts of the Southern states and especially in South Carolina, of the so-called "carpet-baggers" who flocked to the South-men who deserve the execration of all right-minded men, and their final deposition from political power in the South.

The speaker deprecated the interference of Northern mugwumps in the Southern negro question for he thought that, when the mugwump left his free trade theories and sought to solve the negro question he was walking on unfamiliar ground. In conclnsion, Mr. Hallowell said the negro question onght not be considered as a race question but as a national question in which every true American ought to take an interest.

At the conclusion of this address a few remarks were made by Colonel Hallowell, Lloyd McK. Garrison, L. S., and C. G. Morgan '90, the orator of the senior class.


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