
College Conference.

Last night in Sever 11 Hon. Theodore Roosevelt delivered before a large audience an address on "Public Life." The speaker was received with enthusiastic applause as he rose from his seat and was listened to with the closest attention. Mr. Roosevelt said that his subject "Public Life" is the subject of a public career for the college man, for nearly every man at some period or other goes into politics.

Every man ought to take an interest in politics and should do so intelligently. An intelligent man can more easily cope with the actively bad than with the passively good, A man must not go into politics to make money if he wishes to keep the respect of his fellow men. It is rare for a politician who is honest and faithful to make money although such cases may be found.

The speaker said that there is one class that come from Harvard on which it is perhaps incumbent to take intelligent views in politics-the leisure class. This leisure class, those who are more than well-to-do, is gradually on the increase and it is yet to be seen whether their increase is an advantage. It is a poor ambltion for the wealthy young man to make pleasure the sole pursuit of his life. He has a poor soul who does not appreciate that in this nineteenth century is the grandest opportunity for good deeds and reform. The thing for the man of leisure to learn to know is first, that leisure means work, and secondly, that he must have enthusiasm. He who does not have to labor for his daily bread ought to laber for mankind.

Mr. Roosevelt then spoke of the different ways by which an intelligent man might do the best service to his country and state, how length of service does not always imply excellence of service, of the necssity of being thoroughly American, and last but not least, the necessity of being pure, honest and courageous in all actions.
