An Arrant Knave.Stuart Robson and company began a two week's engagement at the Hollis St. Theatre last night in "An Arrant Knave." The play purports to be a mediaeval comedy, but it partakes more of the nature of melodrama than than of comedy, and melodrama of a conventional sort. The second act is real comedy and contains the brightest lines of the play; the other acts move heavily. Except in this second act Mr. Robson is afforded very little opportunity for effective work; it is impossible not to feel that in Chiqui the Knave he has found a part less congenial to him than some others he has assumed. But of course what work he has to do is done in a thoroughly admirably manner. He brings out the comedy of his fines with a delightful delicacy and and keen appreciation of the humor. Of the supporting company it is impossible to say much, for the play affords none of the principals of the cast a chance to display much ability. The paly was received with great favor and Mr. Robson was called before the curtain several times and at the close the demand for a speech was so unanimous that he was compelled to respond.
A Brass Monkey.Hovts' "Brass Monkey," opened their engagement at the Boston theatre last night to an overflowing house. Great applause greeted the company. The scene of the auction room in which most of the play took place is one of extraordinarry ingenuity of detail and thoughtfulness. Pretty dancing and gay costumes were seen in abundance. George Marion, as Josiah and Flora Walsh as Baggage his daughter, divided the honors.
London Gaiety Company.The Tremont Theatre is overcrowded every evening on account of the excellent performance of the burlesque "Faust up to Date" by the London Gaiety Company. As a singer and actress Miss St. John is far above the average. Mr. Lounnen has made himself extremely popular as a comedian but the dancing of the four Gaiety dancers is the principal feature of the entertainment. The play will continue through next week.
The new Farcical Comedy "All the Comforts of a Home" is still being played at the Museum. It is a play of that better character for which the Museum is famous.
Dixey continues the "Seven Ages" at the Globe. He is supported by Rice's company and plays to crowded house every night.
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