FRESHMAN GLEE CLUB.- Rehearsal this afternoon at 5.15 in Roberts hall.
C. K. CUMMINGS, Secretary.FRESHMAN TUG-OF-WAR.- The following men will be at the gymnasium at 4 o'clock sharp: Dinsmore, Robb, Kenney, Falk, Bisbee, Clarke, Winsor, Hall, Emmett, Flint.
P. V. K. Johnson.CRICKET ELEVEN.- All candidates for the cricket eleven will meet in the trophy room of the gymnasium on Wednesday, March 12, at 4.15 sharp.
R. D. BROWN, Captain.HARVARD BICYCLE CLUB.- Important business meeting and Smoker, Thursday evening, march 13, at 7.30 at D. U. rooms, 9 Brattle street. The special meeting called for Tuesday evening is postponed to March 13.
C. W. Spencer, Secretary.H. A. A.- Any member of the university wishing to join the Harvard Athletic Association may do so by enclosing $5.00 to me with his name and class. The secretary on receipt of same will leave membership ticket and and shingle at Thurston's.
All students who intend to enter in any event in the winter meetings of the H. A. A. must be examined by Dr. Sargent, who will be in his office in the gymnasium from 2 to 4 Tuesday and Wednesday of this week.
The entries for the first meeting will close Thursday evening, March 13, at 10.30.
The weighing committee will be in the gymnasium Saturday morning from 8 to 9.30.
J. H. HUNT, Secretary.CANOE CLUB.- Members who have received postals are reminded that they are requested to pay their annual dues before Saturday, March 15.
G. L. BATCHELDER, Purser.If those who have reading matter for the hospitals-magazines, illustrated papers, novels, etc., will send word to R. L. Weeks, 74 Sacramento street, it will be called for.
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