A cricket eleven is being organized at Columbia.
There will be no more Monday lectures in N. H. 4.
The Yale nine will go to the training table as soon as out-door work begins.
Poole, the Yale catcher was much better Sunday.
By the will of the late ex-Governor English, Yale College receives $40.000.
March 31st is the last day on which college rooms can be re-engaged for 1590-91.
L. S. Thompson, '92, was elected leader of the Glee Club at a meeting held yesterday afternoon.
The Harvard and Yale athletic committees will probably meet in New York next week.
The Yale freshman nine will play on Decoration day at Andvover, and the following day, Saturday, at Exeter.
Since the Oxford and Cambridge crews have been working on the water the betting, which was 11 to 5 on Oxford, has changed and Cambridge is now the favorite.
Hartwell has begun training for the Yale crew. This makes five old men back in the boat.
The examination and laboratory books in N. H. 2 will be returned today at 2 p. m. in the lecture room at the museum.
The following college rooms are to let: Thayer 49; Holyoke 17; College House 10, 23, 45, 48, 65, Divinity 20, 24, 26, 38; Dividity House 1; Foxcroft 2.
The high jump in the Yale games was won by Morse of the Boston Athletic Association by an actual jump of 5 feet, 8 5-8 inches, and not by Green of Harvard.
President Adams and ex-President White, of Cornell, have articles in Saturday's New York Times in favor of national universities, endowed and partially supported by the government.
The lecture of Mr. Richard P. Hallowell under the auspices of the Historical Society will be delivered in Boylston hall at 7.30 o'clock Wednesday evening, instead of in Massachusetts as announced in yesterday's CRIMSON.
The CRIMSON has received a copy of the Graduate Advisory Committee of Princeton to the the last letter of the Harvard Athletic Committee. The Princeton committee "express the desire that no use of the Princeton statement either in whole or in part be made by the public press."
A series of talks on social questions is being held at Wells Memorial hall, 987 Washington street, Boston. The next meeting will be Friday, March 14, at 8 p. m. The principal speaker will be Professor Taussig. Memebers of the university are cordially invited.
Seven lectures upon these subjects will be delivered by the Rev. John Worcester, President of the New Church Theological School, in the chapel of the school, 48 Quincy street, on the following evenings of March and April: March 11, The Story of the Creation; March 18, The Garden of Eden; March 25, From Eden to Noah; April 8, Abraham and his Descendants; April 15, Joseph in Egypt; April 22, the Exodus: April 29, The Tabernacle and Sacrificial Worship. The lectures will begin at half past seven o'clock. The public are invited.
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New Window in Memorial Hall.