Now, while the snow is on the ground, is the best time to have your rooms photographed. No better souvenir can be had of college than a well-made picture of one's room. Call at studio and make appointments at once.
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St. Paul's Society.Recommended Articles
Special Notice.WE have found after many years that in photographing rooms or interior work of any kind, much better results can
Special Notices.House No. 64 Mr. Auburn street to let. Especially adapted for club purposes. Apply at 1 Hollis from 9.30 to
Special Notice.STUDENTS' TABLE.- First class board at 16 Prescott St., one block from Sever Hall. One club table if desired. 1
Special Notice.UNTIL March first, L. P. Hollander and Co., of 212 Boylston St., Boston, will take orders in their men's tailoring
Special Notice.DANCING CLASS.- Mrs. L. J. Chandler's Dancing Class, Tuesday, at 8 p. m. Odd Fellows' Hall, Cambridgeport. Private lessons. TYPEWRITING