The mid year examination in Physics 3 will be held today. The examination will be held from eleven to one in room 22 of the Laboratory.
The alumni of Adademy held their annual dinner at the Parker house last evening. It was attended by a large number of Harvard men.
There will be no lecture in N. H. 3 today. A week from today there will be an optional lecture, and the text books to be used in the course will be announced at that time.
The Columbia college library supplies light meals to students who are too busy to leave their work. The same thing will be done here when the addition to Gore Hall is built.
The subscriptions received for the permanent fund of the Dental School from 1880 1889, including those of the alumni amount to $8,155.85. The subscriptions for immediate use received during 1888-1889 amount to $295.
Eight members of the baseball nine are back at Yale. The outfield will probably be the same as last year and the positions of first base, second base and catcher will be held by McBride, Calhoun and Poole respectively. Third base may be held by Owsley, of last year's Andover nine, while McClung, Huntington, captain of the Exeter team in '87, and Twombly, are having a hard fight for short-stop.
On Wednesday the examination books in Greek 10 will be returned to the members of the course.
Mr. Williams may be consulted by students in History 13 and 17, in the closed alcove from 2 to 3 every day except Saturday. On Saturday his hours are from 11 to 12.
There will be a recitation in Mathematics 4 on Tuesday, March 4th. Members of the section will bring their mid-year problems to the class with them.
An eight mile cross-country run, open to all amateurs, will be held at Morris park race course, Van Nest station, Westchester county, N. Y., under the auspices of the National cross -country Association of America, on Saturday, March 15.
Rev. Mr. Allen who has charge of the Sunday evening meetings at the Grand Opera House desires as many Harvard students as wish to sing in the chorus next Sunday evening. The car leaves the Square for the theatre at 6.14 tomorrow evening.
The schedule for the Yale-Princeton baseball games has been changed and the games will be played as follows: May 3, at New Haven; May 24, at Princeton; June 27, in New York or the vicinity. The third game is to be played only on condition that each col has won one of the preceding games.
The Boston Herald has founded two scholarships of $600 and $400 respectively. They are to be given to the graduates of high schools and academies who have shown especial ability in English composition, and who wish to take a four years college course. One fourth of each scholarship will be payable yearly on presentation by the candidates of certificates showing that they have passed their examination for that year.
At the meeting of the executive committee of the National Lawn Tennis Association this week it was decided to hold the championship singles at Newport on August 20. The time and place for holding the doubles were also discussed, and it is almost certain that two tournaments will be held, one at Staten island and the other at Chicago and that the winners of each will meet to contest for the championship.
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Wendell Phillips Club.