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While there are several new men trying earnestly for the university crew, there are a few old rowing men in college who have not as yet gone into training, either from lack of interest or too much self-confidence. This is not as it should be, particularly the present year. The withdrawal from the football league last fall, and the recent action of the Athletic committee, although they have not directly affected boating, have yet so fixed the eyes of the country upon Harvard athletics as indirectly to put an added responsibility upon crew men. We must win this year if possible in every department of athletics; our position demands it. Harvard athletics are passing through a transition state; if we begin the new regime by winning, the new system will be firmly established; by losing, we shall be more than likely to fall tack into a state of indifference. Thus, this year an added responsibility rests on every athlete to put forth his best energies, and particularly on the old members of athletic organizations to show their abiding interest in Harvard's welfare. We have addressed the old members of the crew in particular because they at present seem to show the chief indifference.
