The annual winter meeting of the Athletic association of the University of Pennsylvania was held on Saturday evening at the Academy of Music, Philadelphia. The sports began at 7.30 and were not over until about 11 o'clock. The results were as follows:
Forty yard dash-Luther Carey, Princeton, first; and C. S. Amwake, Schuylkill navy, second. Time 4 1-5s.
Running high jump-H. S. Clark, P. F. and S. C., first; and D. C. Clegg, Y. M. C. A., second. Height 5 feet, 81/2 inches.
Wrestling-J. K. Shell.
Half mile run-P. D. Skillman, N. Y. A. C., first; and J. H. Terry, U. of P., second. Time 2 minutes, 17 seconds.
Tug-of-war-Princeton freshmen pulled U. of P., Y. M. C. A., Swarthmore College A. A., and Schuylkill navy teams.
Four hundred and forty yards dash-W. H. Warurch, U. of P., first, and J. W. Rutter, Y. M. C. A., Second. Time 61 seconds.
Two hundred and twenty yard hurdle race-J. T. Norton, M. A. C., first: and E. L. Lowe, M. A. C., second.
One mile walk-C. S. Nicoll, M. A. C., first; J. M. Mitcheson, U. of P. second; time 8 minutes, 21 1-4 seconds.
One mile run-P. D. Skillman, N. Y. A. C. first, J. H. McCoy, second; time 4 minutes 45 seconds.
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