
Y. M. C. A. Meeting.

Mr. J. A. Mott, college secretary of the international committee, addressed the members of the Y. M. C. A. at their rooms in Lawrence hall last evening. Mr. Mott spoke earnestly and to the point. He began by briefly reviewing the work done by the Association during the past year in the Unlted States and Canada, and he declared that the religious feeling now prevalent throughout the coleges was far stronger than it has ever been before.

Speaking of how the Harvard association can accomplish much work, Mr. Mott said that there were four points which he wished to give the members for consideration. The first of these was in regard to having a general secretary who will devote almost his whole time to the work in the college; second, the Harvard Y. M. C. A. should try to have a separate building which as has been shown in other colleges, could not help proving strongly beneficial; third, the members should devote more personal attention to the study of the Bible; fourth, the fact should be gravely considered that a much smaller per cent. of men now devote themselves after graduation to work in God's field of labor than in the years gone by.

After this part of the exercises the members met Mr. Mott informally.
